29 September 2010


below is a short quote my pastor shared on sunday and my thoughts on it. it really touched me and i hope it will do the same for you.

We tell the Lord in the beginning of the day that we want to do his will regardless of the cost. Yet we often find, by nightfall, that our cross, so earnestly accepted in the morning hours, has been dropped somewhere along the way. Why is our cross so difficult to hold on to while Christ persevered to the end? What did the cross of Christ have that ours lacks? Answer: NAILS. The nails are to Jesus’ cross what our obedience is to Christ’s call to discipleship. Have you noticed the nails that are offered to you each day? They are the momentary situations in which you have a choice to make: Deciding not to explode in anger when your kid breaks something you told her not to touch. Helping someone when you are rushed for time and don’t feel like helping. Being a host even if it costs you time, money, or position. Not insisting on having things done your own way even though you’re convinced you are right. Sometimes the nails seem so small, yet they’re so essential. (Michael Smith, “Nails,” Discipleship Journal 2, no. 7 (January 1982): 33).

we are each called to bear a cross, a burden. it is often easily shed unless we accept the "nails" that bind us to our cross just as Christ was bound to His cross by nails. His nails were justice, mercy, love--He was bound to His cross in love! our love for Him should cause us to accept the "nails" He offers to bind us to our crosses. the nails may be seemingly little things or overwhelmingly big things...but they are given to draw us and hold us closer to Christ.