14 December 2008

God's sense of humor

sailing (i know i still owe one about my thoughts on africa so far)
so, what does sailing have to do with God's sense of humor? well, let's see...i have motion sickness (planes, trains, cars, boats, ships) and i'm on a ship that is sailing. i also have a mild bit of claustrophobia (it has more to do with the amount of stuff in the space than the size of the space) and i'm on a ship sharing what used to be the size of my room at home with 3 other people--4 beds, 4 closets, a bathroom, a sitting area on a ship, where everything is compacted for space sake. and i have a serious fear of water that i can't see it and i'm on a ship in the middle of the ocean with nothing but water to see wherever i look.
God's sense of humor?
i enjoy the sailing apart from the motion sickness (which i did have a bout of this morning)
i like my cabin and cabin mates and even the compactness of things on the ship
i think the ocean is beautiful. watching the waves roll by, right now with white caps on the waves. the lovely colour of blue of the ocean caused by the reflection of the sky and light of the sun. the way the ship crashes down into the waves makes me smile (and a bit sick) but it is fun.

God is good...all the time. even when we don't understand.

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