24 October 2008


i know my last post talked about how easy it is to forget i live on a ship. these last couple of weeks i've had several reminders
--a man climbing out of a wall. and not like it was a door in the wall that i just hadn't noticed before but a panel that started about 1 1/2 feet up.
--man overboard drills. since we are at port it wasn't a full crew drill but they did let down the rescue boat to "rescue" the one overboard
--today i was sitting in the midships lounge and watching as mutliple teams of two fully kitted out in fire gear with the head covering on backwards feeling their ways across the ship, up the stairs. that took me back to the slightly panicky i can't catch my breath feeling that i had when we had to do that at gateway. once again i am happy that my being on the medical team prevents my being on the fire team. =)

these just aren't things that you see in normal life at home and although it isn't a day to day occurence here, i certainly don't think it unusual to see this stuff when it happens, it is just part of living here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice and interesting blog!