06 March 2009


i have a friend who when you ask how she is, she answers "yeah" sometimes, she follows this yeah with a good or happy or whatever else but i have grown used to hearing yeah as an answer to this question. it makes me smile, mainly b/c she makes me smile.

so, when people ask me how it's going here, sometimes i just want to say "yeah". people expect that b/c i live on a ship in west africa that every day is exciting. it isn't. a lot of my week (and sometimes all week) is just a normal day-to-day routine. i get up, go to work, work out, eat a few meals, read a book, maybe spend some time with friends and then sleep. much like my life at home. the difference being that my life here is contained in a very small space....all of it--grocery shopping, going to starbucks, the library, my house, my work. and so sometimes it feels as if my blog must be boring b/c well, sometimes even life on a ship in west africa can be boring. not bad boring, but not exciting boring. and then there is the thought that if all i blog about are the exciting things, it sounds like i'm on holiday. and although i like to play and play hard when i do, i am just here living life.

so, nothing profound today. just life.


Anonymous said...

too true :)

Tyrone said...

yep, sometimes its hard to get others to understand that aspect of your life living on the ship.