18 April 2009


i have been quite at a loss lately on what i wanted to read/study in the Word in my own quiet times. i tend to read through the Bible by groupings of verses or do a word study (like earlier when i did a study on the hands of God). but lately, no leading really, just kinda wherever i happen to open up. but the Psalms have been speaking to me every time one is mentioned so i thought i would do a study on the Psalms next...40ish days in the Psalms (one in the morning, one in the evening plus a little leeway with 119!)

the first day...Psalm 1 was quite freeing. i am currently memorizing John 15. ("I am the Vine, you are the branches...") and there is much in this passage about bearing fruit and there are times i just don't feel fruitful. well, most of the time, i have a hard time seeing fruit in my own life...maybe b/c i am too involved in my own life??? or sometimes b/c i listen to satan's lies? anyways, i do worry a bit when i feel i am being unfruitful so Psalm 1 was quite freeing when i read "and yields its fruit in season". even though this is also one of my memory verses (well passages) it just never struck me before that there are seasons in fruitfulness. it was as if a weight had been lifted. not that i shouldn't strive to be fruitful but that sometimes there are going to be times when i won't be and perhaps it is just winter and not necessarily sinfulness keeping me from bearing fruit.

this may seem elementary to whoever reads this and if so, i hope it is just a good reminder. if not, then i hope it encourages you as it did me.

1 comment:

Bonnie said...

I think sometimes, we may not see the fruit we bear. It is a gift when we do though. Hope the Mercy is doing OK. Thanks for all your help while I was there.