02 May 2009

surprised by pain

there is a book called "the problem of pain" by c.s. lewis. it talks about how hard a time people have believing in a good loving gracious God when there is pain and tragedy in the world. it is a great book. i highly recommend it.
we are currently doing pediatric orthopedic surgeries on board. there is a period about 4-6 hours after anesthesia where the kids "wake up" in extreme pain. they have already been physically awake but then they are "surprised" by this emerging pain. now, we as medical professionals expect this emergence of pain. it is a hard surgery. but in order to fix what was wrong, pain will be involved. so if we expect that there will be pain when fixing something physically wrong, why are we surprised by pain when fixing something spiritually wrong? why are we surprised by pain being in this world broken by our sins? why are we surprised when God's Word says in this world we will have trouble?
i don't know why we are surprised by pain. and i say we b/c even with my understanding of this today it doesn't mean that i won't be surprised by some pain tomorrow.
the only thing to do is to take heart and hope in what else the Word says..."take heart, I have overcome the world!"

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