02 May 2009

where are we?

joshua farrell came to visit our cabin today for a few minutes. he is a most adorable toddler who wants to know why? what? and where? (usually over and over). we have a large map of africa with all the countries marked in different colours on the wall. he asked what? i told him it was a map of africa. why? not really sure how to answer that one. but i pointed out where we were (benin). a few why/where/what questions later he pointed to benin and said something along the lines of this is where i am. brilliant. =)

enter, uncle sam. let's have some of the same conversation again for his sake. uncle sam asked, joshua, where are we?

on a ship! amy and i cracked up and joshua grinned although i'm not sure he understood why it was so funny to us but hilarious.

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