17 February 2009


ok, i've been trying to figure out how to write this without sounded like a fractured wikipedia note about benin. i guess i'll start with a few facts and end with first impressions. unfortunately i have no photos to go with first impressions.

we arrived into port in cotonou, benin on tuesday 10 february. our original arrival was supposed to happen on monday afternoon but due to some engine trouble, we rode at anchor most of monday and then quietly slipped into our berth on tuesday. is is definitely west africa. hot. humid. a few half sunken ships in the harbor. there is a bit of leftover haze from the saharan dust cloud called the harmattan which was in the air in january.

benin itself used to be a french colony before gaining their independence. it is bordered to the east by nigeria, to the west by togo and to the north by both burkina faso and niger. the primary language is french with many tribal dialects. the primary religion according to the census is Chrisitan. almost equally as influential is islam and voodoo. in fact, benin is the voodoo capital of the world. and many combine some of their ancestral/tribal worship styles (knowingly or not) with their Christian and muslim faith practices. although there is still significan poverty, there has also been large development of the nation recently. (end of facts...check out wikipedia for more :) !)

it is almost hard to believe i am in west africa. the city on the surface seems much more developed. there are many buildings that are multi-level. they are intact, not war-damaged. the streets are paved. there are sidewalks. restaurants. the atmosphere feels safer. perhaps it is the lack of u.n. tanks. but, there are still armed guards into certain buildings and it is weird how i feel that someone standing at a gate with an assault rifle is normal. i admit to some apprehension at the level of spiritual darkness here.

but, i am glad to be here. i am glad to get the work started again. i'll share more about the work in my next couple of posts. we have our screening days on thursday and friday to evaluate the benin people as surgical candidates. if they are approved, we will "book" them for their surgery date then and we begin surgeries on tuesday 24 february. please be in prayer for both those who will be coming to the ship for surgeries and also for those who are not candidates.

sorry it's a bit boring but hopefully the next will be better =)


Anonymous said...

Hey! Thanks a lot for the update! It's not boring at all!!! :) Looking forward to the next post :D God bless!

Becky said...

Thanks for the update! Best wishes in your new location!