26 June 2009

coming attractions and word association

coming soon...posts about doctors bligoni and edoh, spicy ladies and sock golf

today was a quiet day. i ran some errands with dad and was treated to a pedicure by my stepmom. one of my cousins with husband and kids and two of my uncles and aunts came over and we just had an enjoyable time hanging out tonight. my dad and uncle ken were on a serious roll with memories of younger years. but, i do wonder what one might think if they could hear how this story sparked a completely seemingly unrelated story...it was quite random word association.

i am feeling a bit jetlagged tonight so i kept getting lost in the reminiscing (it takes energy to follow old stories) but it was good to just be sitting in my dad's house surrounded by family.

highlights of today (and last night)--i slept in a queen size bed (at least 2 1/2 times the size of my bunk) in a room all by myself. i took a shower with the water running for the full time and not on/off/on/off. family! blue bell vanilla ice cream and root beer floats. portobello mushroom ravioli. being spoiled by my family.

tomorrow i am headed to lubbock to see mom, greg, holly and the kids...yeah...more family!!!!!

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