18 July 2008

challenges and more friends

so these week was quite challenging for me. the class lessons were about changing our worldview from one derived from culture, family, etc to one which truly reflects the heart of God. b/c His heart is applicable to every culture and every generation. it doesn't change. we've written off much of His Word b/c our worldview says it is no longer applicable...does that mean that the Creator God, who is omni-everything, didn't see today and the cultures that we live in, that He is surprised by now? then that would make Him less than He is. it doesn't mean i am saying we are to go back to the sacrificial law b/c Jesus' death and resurrection fulfilled that. just that He is not surprised and His Word is still applicable no matter where we are in the world. it was interesting to have basic assumptions challenged and then to see how God's heart is better expressed. i am hopeful that each day as He molds me, i will better live Him.

so, more new friends...
below is joan...she has such a beautiful smile. she is quiet but can be quite fun if you get her going. she is one of four other ladies that i share a room with.
this is dr. dave and helen. they work in the mercy ships land-based clinic in sierra leone. helen has such a beautiful spirit, a beautiful smile and hears the voice of God. dave dances and sings out his joy. i hope when i am older i am a fraction of how cool and merciful and passionate they are!
this is jenny (shower curtain john's wife). she has such as sweet heart. i can't wait to work alongside her on the ship (well, kind of...she is the asst director of the OR nurses while i will be on the ward) we had a great time celebrating her on her birthday yesterday.
this is angela...she is fierce and independent and fun and passionate. she can crochet a handbag faster than anyone i know!
below is daniel...100% D in the DiSC analysis. the only person who i know that doesn't mind confrontation. he has a great heart in spite of this confrontation thing! =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.