04 August 2008

"mairwidge, mairwidge is what bwings us togetha today"

"and love, twue love"

so, this past weekend i got to be part of emily and mike's wedding. another one of those beautiful frustrations. (in delaying until the july gateway, i got to be in the country for this!) we got in on thursday and started running right then (i can't imagine how much em and her mom have been running before).

thurs night was the bachelorrette and bachelor parties. later, we all joined back up at the b&b to have fun together. the girls went to eat at p.f. changs and then on to fox and hound.

friday was full from start to finish as well. the bridesmaids (matrons) went to a bridal brunch and then on to mani/pedicures. after this, some last minute shopping and then the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner. once dinner was over, all the women slipped away for emily's lingerie shower...oh my! afterwards, we joined back up with everyone and chatted and danced until late.

saturday morning, another full day. attendants were up early to help with some of the set up and then get ready. then we headed over to get our hair/makeup done. em's hair was absolutely gorgeous...looked just like a magazine! then, girls' pics were at 3:30, boys' pics at 4:30, and wedding at 5:30. it was an outdoor wedding, absolutely gorgeous. emily was a beautiful bride. the reception was after a few more pics and setup and we ate yummy mexican food (new mexico style) and danced the night away. mike and em were in for a bit of a surprise when they finally made it into their bridal suite for the night...a bit of strategically placed saran wrap made it a bit more difficult to get into bed! several of us enjoyed the slide show we missed playing during the reception (oops) and then to bed.

sunday morning back home, utterly exhausted and to my dad's to just relax.

ps #1. being in the bridal party, i don't have pics of the wedding itself
ps #2. more classmates to be introduced still, check back later this week.

1 comment:

Val said...

These are so great!!!!! You all looked so beautiful and I can't wait to see pictures of the wedding :)

Missing you!!!!! Love, Val